The text (including this file) was written and edited with BLACKBEARD*, the programmers' editor. CAVEMAP1.EXE (compiled with QuicsBASIC 4.5) requires DOS 2.1 or higher to run. CAVEMAP1 has been completely rewritten from the Apple II version in GW-BASIC, but has still not been completely debugged. Some of the more esoteric subroutines have not been included in the distribution version. If you need something different from what is done with CAVEMAP1, ask. I may be able to easily patch it in, or I may think that it is such a dumb idea and such a good teaching example that I will tell you to program it yourself. Please modify my program to fit your job. Note that development of CAVEMAP1 has stopped except for blunder corrections. I'm confident that a few still exist. Continued developement is in QuickBASIC 4.5 under the name DEEDPLT. Graphics. The graphics on CAVEMAP1 are CGA HiRes [640x200], mapped onto a pseudoHercules card by HGCIBM. Why is it I can write 720x348 graphics from C, but not from BASIC? Am I missing something obvious, or is there some great incompatibility between GW-BASIC and Hercules graphics??? There has to be a more elegant solution than writing 640x200 graphics and then distorting them onto a 720x348 display!!! I think that I know the answer; that the attorneys are still waxing fat on the carcasses of IBM, Microsoft, and Hercules. Let the bloodsuckers feast, but somebody please write a machine language subroutine [SCREEN 99] for those of us who must write with our computers in the meanwhile. * Is there something strange about the way I think that makes me prefer BLACKBEARD to all other word processors? Is it simply that BLACKBEARD does just what I would expect it to do and does it with a simple mnemonic keystroke, or does BLACKBEARD make the operator think like BLACKBEARD? No wonder my mailbox is stuffed with offers to teach my secretary some well-advertised computer program or another at a weeklong seminar costing only $995 [plus meals, lodging, transportation, and tips for these ophioleum marketing engineers]. A pox on computer salesmen! A viron on computer software salesmen!! A meme for independent bitflippers.